Jeff has been pestering me to put more stuff in this site including this. So here goes! This site is intended to be a resource for anglers, but it is the work of two amateurs. Jeff does the web work (I might add, I think he's an expert undercover) and I wish I could fish 5 days a week. The information here is due to .......... my fishing buddies who taught me how to fish, took me fishing and talked about fishing! The pictures below are of myself, and my wife, Faith, and my son, Ian.

Hi! I've finally decided to put in my two cents about what I care about, after hassling Chris to do his own bit. My full name is Jeffrey Tham, I'm 30, and work as a technology consultant. Chris and I started this site as a resource for anglers, and it's really great to see the response from anglers the world over. Many thanks for your support!

I enjoy fishing (of course!), tinkering with technology, reading and playing squash. The pictures below are of myself, Fiona my wife, and Samantha, my little girl.